Saturday, April 7, 2012

I made kimchi today~

I have to leave it in the fridge for 2 days to get full flavor.
There's so much waiting when making kimchi = _=
For dinner, I made myself tuna, tomatoes, and rice.

Shrimp Flavored Chips Hot Garlic Flavor
A few of these are okay to snack on, but as you eat more,
 it taste nasty. The original ones are soooo much better!
I bought this for $1.26. I was curious about this since it's new.
Why can't they make a better flavor!? Hot garlic.... really..? LOL. 
It's not spicy like hot cheetos. These do make your breath smell... LOL!
I'm forcing myself to eat the entire bag ._.

My dad didn't pay the phone bill for my mom's cellphone.
I can't make calls. I can only receive calls. *sigh*
I should definitely get my own cellphone, but I'm waiting
for my sister to get her iPhone 4 to get fixed.
I want an iPhone. *-*

The mall is closed tomorrow, which means no work :D
Barnes and Nobles will be open though.

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